Guest article provided by: entrustedpropertymgt.com
When families are starting out, there are a few advantages to renting a home: Rent may be cheaper than a mortgage; no worry of home repairs and relocation for a job is easier. But, families often choose to purchase a home and increase their assets. If you are ready to take the plunge into homeownership […]
Buying a new home is an exciting opportunity! Settling into a new living space can be a surprisingly self-affirming experience, especially if you’re taking that huge leap of buying and moving into your very first home. And while buying a new home can be exciting, it’s often true that we don’t always get to move […]
Many Americans decide to cohabit with a significant other. While this used to be a move reserved for those who were married, these days some 67% of people who are currently married cohabited with their partner first. This is a great way to test the waters and see what day-to-day life might be like together. […]